IGS: Durham is committed to Equal Opportunities and recognises the importance of making provision for children who have English as a second or additional language.

 We aim to:

 ·        Provide appropriate support to enable pupils with EAL to get the help they need to access the curriculum and assessment

·         Work alongside parents and other agencies to help children progress


Children with EAL will be assessed upon entry to the school. Where available, detailed information will be sought from the child’s previous school. Where appropriate, a suitably trained teacher will be used to give focused individual support in English. Parents/carers will be asked to contribute to the cost of this support.


Children with EAL will be immersed in the full range of activities within the curriculum, school life such as assemblies, excursions, plays/performances and in extra-curricular activities. This will encourage rapid acquisition of language. Class teachers will monitor these children socially to ensure that they have the chance to learn English through normal play and social interaction with their peers.

 Monitoring & Partnership

 The school will work closely with parents and other agencies and will review progress for every child with EAL at least half-termly.  

The Independent Grammar School: Durham

This policy was reviewed in October 2022, and again in April 2023.

Next Review date: April 2025